Monday 15 November 2010

How To Eliminate Your Heartburn Permanently

Why are you so worried about how to eliminate your heartburn permanently? If you are like me, you know that the liquid contents from our stomach which happen to be going the wrong way can do a lot of damage. As the lining of the esophagus is rather delicate, it can wear away that lining and that could actually be one of the causes of cancer there.

If you want  some heartburn relief natural remedies here are my two favorites. One is to take a small amount of s cider vinegar but the taste is very bitter. You can sweeten the pill by just adding honey. Another way, if you do not want to take g honey is to actually put the spoon with the cider vinegar towards the back of your mouth and then swallow it ! Anise and fennel seeds are also great, I believe.
Some acid reflux symptoms are not so obvious and some patients just do not have any the classic heartburn symptoms. But they may suffer from dry coughing, bad breath and a bitter taste in their mouth.

But what about how to
eliminate your heartburn permanently ? Diet and lifestyle changes can actually work wonders. Reduce intake of citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. Increase your consumption of the green leafy vegetables which are not acidic and very easy on the digestion system.
If you have heartburn symptoms and are convinced that a holistic natural approach is the only way to go, why not learn about a five step method which will really eliminate this condition permanently and allow you to live your life again, without ever having to worry about an indigestion remedy before you go to bed !
This approach has been developed by a nutritional expert who has advised thousands of patients who have never had to resort to drugs, surgery or other uncomfortable procedures.
Why not find out more ?