Monday 21 February 2011

Get Rid Of Heartburn

 Did you know that if you eat too fast and indulge in those great favorites such as chocolate and alcohol, you may be just exacerbating the problems of acid burn or acid reflux disease.

There are lots of lifestyle changes which can really make a difference. Did you know that just having a fat belly can actually cause unnecessary pressure and cause some acid to be regurgitated , thus causing considerable discomfort?

If you sleep in a position which favors a low pillow this can also have a negative effect.  Smoking also causes an increase in stomach acid. Even sitting upright while eating can be a great help, many people have found.

 By drinking some antioxidants such as green tea can help to get rid of toxins and that favors  the disposal of toxins and also gas. There are other dos and don'ts which you need to know about when trying to implement an acid reflux disease diet.

Learn about the pother ways of  getting rid of heartburn.